
Posts Tagged ‘blender’

I consider myself something of a patient guy. By this I mean that I’m usually capable of waiting for something without getting worked up about it, or that I can wait out difficulties without getting overly stressed about them.

Most of the time. But this business of waiting for some improvement – any improvement – to how my mouth feels has been testing my patience. I had expected that by now, the soreness would have diminished even a little bit and that I’d be able to eat more things without the aid of a blender.


My current favorite kitchen appliance

Alas, I feel about the same as I did on Tuesday. What I’d really like to do is reach up and remove my mouth from my face and leave it on the table overnight so that I could sleep through the night. Something like a ventriloquist’s figure.

Ventriloquist's Dummy

So fortunate to be able to give it a rest

[image courtesy of http://www.puppetsandprops.com/]

So much for priding myself as a patient guy. But there’s humour in here somewhere, I just know it. In fact, I found some of it last night while reading The Far Side at 2:30 in the morning. See, some old guy is lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV, and these doctors (or perhaps scientists; they’re wearing long coats) are pointing and laughing at him. The caption reads, “Testing whether laughter is the best medicine”. The guy in bed doesn’t seem to be buying it, though. Far Side Cartoon

Still, I think laughter is good medicine. It is particularly effective when it temporarily takes one’s mind off of all the grumbling one has been doing while patiently waiting for some sort of improvement. Ahem.

So . . . know any good jokes?

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